Wisps of yeast begin the change. And now my little levain shop on Etsy.

a sour, deep breath bubbles up from the levain.

their whispers embrace flour, warm cooked millet and cool water

and meld into dough,

into a softness that springs up when it hits the hot oven floor.

there is a sheer knowing that lives in your hands, learned under the tutelage of doughs both firm and soft, some buttery and densely seeded, that births creatures who haven’t visited before.

making bread offers a view, a perspective on the landscape of a moment.

a moment that stretches and holds captive something illusive.

the sensual elements of bread, like breathing – move in and out, and communicate something more

while measuring, adding cups, spoons, and pinches then comes the mixing -

the experience of making bread, smelling bread, and tasting bread!

changes the ingredients into something different.

and changes you, too.

Visit my shop on Etsy to buy our sourdough starter and make your own loaves with our bubbling levain!

Dorette Snover